Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Lightning Application and Components: ManageContacts

Hi All,

As I promised in my last post, I have chosen my topic on Lightning Components with Lightning Design System. I build a Lightning Application by using several lightning components for Managing Contacts.

I am using Lighting Design System package in my component for design:

ContactListProcess.cmp: On this I have displayed a button “New Contact”, and a List of Contacts with some actions for Edit and Delete contacts. For Displaying the contacts in the list, I am using ContactProcess.cmp like we have ExpenseTracker app in the “Lightning Components Developer’s Guide”.

On Click of this “New Contact” button I am rendering a Form to create a new contact with Submit and Cancel buttons. On click of submit button it will create a contact and will add in the Contact list below and on click of Cancel button it will hide the form again. I am using the inputLookup component on this form to provide the Lookup functionality. The source and reason is specified below in my post.

After filling up the form, I have saved the record and got in my contact list.

On click of edit button, the application will display the form which we are displaying on click of “New Button” and populate all the values from the selected record to the above form. So that we could make changes and save the contact.

On Click of delete, we are simply deleting the record from the list and from the database.

Here is a list of resources for that application:
ManageContacts Bundle

The top-level component that contains all other components
ContactListProcess Bundle

A collection of Lightning input components to collect user input and To Display a List of Contacts
A client-side controller containing actions to handle user interactions on the ContactListProcess
A client-side helper functions called by the controller actions
To Render the changes on Click of the New Contact Button like for display/hide the input form
ContactProcess Bundle

A collection of Lightning output components to display data from contact records and related actions
A client-side controller containing actions to handle user interactions on the display of the contact list
Apex Class

NewContactController. apxc
Apex controller that loads data, inserts, or updates an contact record

The event fired when an contact item is edited from the display of the contact list
The event fired when an contact item is deleted from the display of the contact list
Other Resources

inputLookup Component
As with Lightning in Winter-16, we don’t have the inputLookup component yet, so I found a resource online by Enrico Murru, which I have applied. It’s again a bundle of resources and will require some customization in its code like changes in the controller and some extra events based on your functionality. Thanks Enrico Murru for this nice component.

If you wish to try your hands, I have given the required list of resources above and for inputLookup component; you could get it from the link below:

Hope this will be helpful for you. If you need any guidance, you could contact me anytime. I will be happy to help.

It will be little Trichy to listen the events and getting parameters from that events but the ExpenseTracker application could help you to get the functional tips.

My Next post will be on Lightning Design System / Lightning Connect / Lightning Experience / Lightning Components or a mix of these topics with Visualforce.
I will try to post something related to the certifications which are recently introduces by salesforce as many of you asked me in last some days. 

Thanks for the nice response on my posts. Let me know if you need to hear on something specific. I will try to prioritize that topic.

For Code or any help, feel free to contact me. Keep trying your hands on Salesforce updates and Lightning. Happy coding J

Amit Goyal
Skype: amitgoyal09

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