Saturday, January 23, 2016

Polling System - Component Using Lightning Design System and Challenges with RemoteObjects

Hi All,

My today’s post is related to Polling System - Component, I made this polling system component using Lightning Design System so that we could display multiple polls together on a single page based on our design like vertically or horizontally or as this is a component we could use it on multiple pages by using the same component [As you all must know the use of Visualforce Component].

Challenges with RemoteObjects:

While developing this component, I face some challenges which I want to share with you all, like as I have just started using RemoteObjects in this month so it’s a new experience and fun for me. I tried to use RemoteObjects in Components but I was not able to do that as we could use that only in the page.

So I built the component by using Apex and tried to use the RemoteObjects on the page to the get the list of polls and pass the ids [User-Id, Poll-Id and Serial-Number or you should say Record-Number to manage the unique DOM element ids] to the component through that list in the RemoteObjects callback but that is also possible.

Reason: The reason is RemoteObjects are page centric so anyhow we could not use the RemoteObjects with the Visualforce Components; it was my finding for this week. Let me know if I am wrong somewhere, I will be more than happy if you rectify my mistake if I am making any.

Let’s come back to polling component which I made:

I have built the 4Options and 2Options polling for my Demo, if you have any more or less options requirement than you could modify the implementation based on that as well. Here is screenshot of the Polling-Page on which I have used the Polling-Component.

You could use this component with content at any place in section or could display the multiple polls on a single page vertically or horizontally, that is all based on your design like Grid or Table whatever you need to apply.

After selecting the option, you will need to click on the Submit button to poll. After submitting the Poll with display the result the result like in the following screen:

I am planning some more changes to display the results in more meaningful and efficient way, let me know if you have some idea on this.

If you are having some requirement or planning to try this or need help to know the technique or guidance, feel free to put your suggestions/comments/ask questions or connect with me.

Happy Coding J

Amit Goyal
Skype: amitgoyal09

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Public Site - New Design with Lightning Design System and Related Stuff

Hi All,

Today I am sharing a lot of work I did so far, it’s Salesforce Public Site which I have built by using a combination of Lightning Design System and AngularJS, Remote Objects, Visualforce and Apex Controller.

Like I shared my Web-To-Lead Form, [which I built by using Lightning Design System and AngularJS, Remote Objects on Visualforce Page] with you in my last post. This is an enhanced for that. I am using that Web-To-Lead Form on this Public Site as Enquiry-Form Menu in the Top Right Section.

I have connected my old public site [Visualforce page and Apex], new public site with Lightning Design System and My Blog with each other so that you could navigate to check the Demo and my work.

Here is a screenshot of my blog and the navigation:

Live Demo: Blog 

Here is the screenshot of my public site – New Design with navigation and menus:

I have given a functionality to post comment through this site, so you could put your comments, after commenting on this you will get a email if comment successfully submitted without errors, it any error than you could see that message on the page. Please comment, what you think about the pages and your views on this so I could add the functionality whatever you need to see.

I could help you with that if you need any specific functionality or guidance regarding that. If you will click on the comment button, you will see a section for comment as in the following screen: 

Here is the screenshot of my public site – Old Design with menus:

Live Demo: Public Site - Old Design

All three screens are linked with each other so you could test the design, flow and functionality. Let me know your thoughts on this or how could I improve as per your views.

In the next step to the Public Site – New Design, I will share with you the courses which I could offer with my Online Training's and the Demos and Applications which I have built and whatever I could share with you. 

Happy Coding :)

Amit Goyal

Skype: amitgoyal09

Friday, January 15, 2016

WebToLead Form by using Lightning Design System, RemoteObjects and AngularJS on Visualforce Page

Hi All,

I have built a form by using AngularJS and Remote Objects with Lightning Design System, It was really a fun to develop this functionality. We have two options while working with Lightning Design System as per my present knowledge.

1.)  We could apply classes to our Visualforce DOM Elements from the Lightning Design System CSS to avoid plenty of work and changes.
2.)  We could use Remote-Objects to connect our page with the Objects and Applying JS Validation on the data and fire DML actions.

In the second option we could have some challenges and bit time consuming for fresher’s like me for this page but as this is for the study, it’s pretty much interesting to work with AngularJS and Remote Objects with Lightning Design System.

Below is the screenshots of the form which I have built.

I have created a header, footer as Visualforce component to display on my Web-To-Lead page.

You could check the live Functionality on the link given below:

Let me know if you need any guidance on this. I will keep posting new and interesting things like this. Hope you will like it. Happy Coding J

Amit Goyal
Skype: amitgoyal09

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Lightning Application and Components: ManageContacts

Hi All,

As I promised in my last post, I have chosen my topic on Lightning Components with Lightning Design System. I build a Lightning Application by using several lightning components for Managing Contacts.

I am using Lighting Design System package in my component for design:

ContactListProcess.cmp: On this I have displayed a button “New Contact”, and a List of Contacts with some actions for Edit and Delete contacts. For Displaying the contacts in the list, I am using ContactProcess.cmp like we have ExpenseTracker app in the “Lightning Components Developer’s Guide”.

On Click of this “New Contact” button I am rendering a Form to create a new contact with Submit and Cancel buttons. On click of submit button it will create a contact and will add in the Contact list below and on click of Cancel button it will hide the form again. I am using the inputLookup component on this form to provide the Lookup functionality. The source and reason is specified below in my post.

After filling up the form, I have saved the record and got in my contact list.

On click of edit button, the application will display the form which we are displaying on click of “New Button” and populate all the values from the selected record to the above form. So that we could make changes and save the contact.

On Click of delete, we are simply deleting the record from the list and from the database.

Here is a list of resources for that application:
ManageContacts Bundle
The top-level component that contains all other components
ContactListProcess Bundle

A collection of Lightning input components to collect user input and To Display a List of Contacts
A client-side controller containing actions to handle user interactions on the ContactListProcess
A client-side helper functions called by the controller actions
To Render the changes on Click of the New Contact Button like for display/hide the input form
ContactProcess Bundle

A collection of Lightning output components to display data from contact records and related actions
A client-side controller containing actions to handle user interactions on the display of the contact list
Apex Class

NewContactController. apxc
Apex controller that loads data, inserts, or updates an contact record

The event fired when an contact item is edited from the display of the contact list
The event fired when an contact item is deleted from the display of the contact list
Other Resources

inputLookup Component
As with Lightning in Winter-16, we don’t have the inputLookup component yet, so I found a resource online by Enrico Murru, which I have applied. It’s again a bundle of resources and will require some customization in its code like changes in the controller and some extra events based on your functionality. Thanks Enrico Murru for this nice component.

If you wish to try your hands, I have given the required list of resources above and for inputLookup component; you could get it from the link below:

Hope this will be helpful for you. If you need any guidance, you could contact me anytime. I will be happy to help.

It will be little Trichy to listen the events and getting parameters from that events but the ExpenseTracker application could help you to get the functional tips.

My Next post will be on Lightning Design System / Lightning Connect / Lightning Experience / Lightning Components or a mix of these topics with Visualforce.
I will try to post something related to the certifications which are recently introduces by salesforce as many of you asked me in last some days. 

Thanks for the nice response on my posts. Let me know if you need to hear on something specific. I will try to prioritize that topic.

For Code or any help, feel free to contact me. Keep trying your hands on Salesforce updates and Lightning. Happy coding J

Amit Goyal
Skype: amitgoyal09

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Understanding Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience, Lightning Component, Lightning Connect and Lightning Design System

Hi All,

First of all, A very Happy New Year 2016 to All of you, may god fulfill all your wishes which could will bring happiness for you, your family and near & dear ones and for the society and community.

Thanks for responding for my last post regarding the “SalesForce Development / SFDC Online Trainings [Lightning / Platform Developer / Admin / Developer / Advance Developer]”.

I received few questions regarding the difference between all of this and mainly as a beginner on Lightning, many of them were for the difference between the Lightning Experience, Lightning Component, Lightning Connect and Lighting Design System.

Salesforce Classic: It's the platform which we are using from long time as standard, Salesforce just named to classify between the new User Interface/Experience and old User Interface/Experience.

Lightning Experience: Lightning Experience is the new, slick user interface for the desktop browser UI. The initial release of the new user interface is geared towards sales reps with an intuitive interface that allows sales reps to work more efficiently.
The dashboard and charts in Lightning Experience behave much like Wave where changes in the chart recalculates in real time. While the new interface is easy to enable, It may not be suited for everyone as there are some missing functionalities at this point of time. In the future releases salesforce would eliminate those gaps, but keep safe harbor statement in mind.

The Initial release with Winter-16, is mainly focused for Sales Reps and with some extra features based on Opportunity like Opportunity Board. With Spring-16 [Safe harbor] we could get some exciting feature for Case Objects [Service Related] and Opportunity Board will be called “Opportunity Kanban”. For More Information refer to “salesforce_spring16_release_notes”.

For Enabling Lightning Experience, go to your developer edition and Setup, In the Top Left side menu, there will be an option called “Lightning Experience”. You will need to activate some settings/features as per the Pre-Requisite.

For using the Lightning Experience you could access by following - The Pre-Requisite and followed by enabling  Lightning Experience using the newly provided Cool Spinner/Switcher action.

After enabling it, you will get a cool switcher by which you can switch anytime between the Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience.

Switcher from Salesforce Classic

Warning Message for Switching to Lighting Experience

 Switcher from Lightning Experience

Warning Message for Switching to Salesforce Classic

If you need to use Lightning Apps or Lightning Component or Lightning Component Tabs then you will have to register a domain in salesforce from My Domain in Domain Management option from setup. I will try to cover those tipic in more detail in my next post or you could also contact me for guidance on this or if you would like to try your hands on trailhead. The trailhead link is mentioned below.

Note: We could not use one/ for using salesforce1 because it will display the Lightning Experience Interface only if the Lightning Experience is enabled for the user/org from Winter-16 otherwise it will display the Run-Time Exception.

In short, Salesforce Classic the Standard User Interface which we are using from long time and Lightning Experience is the new User Interface which have the same Styling and Experience which we have for mobiles with extended functionality to improve performance and usability.

Lighting Component: We could take a simple example like we could build a Visualforce component in standard way and display on multiple pages. We could build Lightning Component and we could use them as in Standalone Lightning App, Lighting Component Tab which we could use in SalesForce1 Navigations and as a tab in Lightning Experience in some Custom Application or in Salesforce1 and Objects Actions etc… For more information you could refer the following modules in salesforce trailhead:

Lightning Component

Lighting Connect: We could use this to connect salesforce with any external application by using external object and releationship. For more information you could refer the following modules in salesforce trailhead:

Lightning Connect

Lightning Design System: This is a collection of CSS framework, Icons, Fonts, and Design Tokens, which could be used in Visualforce Page development to match the UI with the Lighting Experience while developing a visualforce page for an application.

Lightning Design System

I will try to plan my next post about the Lightning Component, Lightning Connect and Lightning Design System in more detail, stay in touch to help each other.

I really like all the Lightning Features which we have got with the Winter-16 release and will get more in future. Keep sharing the knowledge and keep loving salesforce as I do. Feel free to contact me anytime if you have anything in which I could help you.

Amit Goyal
Skype: amitgoyal09