Wednesday, July 6, 2016

SmartScheduler - A Field Service Application [SalesForce Classic with Bootstrap, SalesForce1 Application] with Barcode Scanner, Image Capture/Upload and E-Signature

Hi All,

I have built a Field Service Application for Managing Cases, Work-Orders and WorkOrderLineItem.
Based on that Work-Order and Work-OrderLineItem, I am creating jobs and jobsubmissions.

In this application, I have built a SalesForce Classic Application to create and manage workorders. A Salesforce1 Application and optionally Salesforce Public Site, for Field Technician to submit the work-orders which have functionality to attach the photos by capture or upload, Barcode Scanner and E-Signature.

The Cases could be created by Email, Phone, Calendar or manually which could be converted to work-order if required field service than the work-order could be managed, assign/schedule for field technician.

Here are some screen-shots for the Field-Technician Application:
Google-Map: for the route, distance in miles based on the Address and Gelocations. Onclick of the given displayed on the tooltip, Technician could see the Job Detail.

See All Jobs:

Job Detail:

Process Job-Submissions:

At the time of job-submission, field-technician can capture/select the images to upload, Scan Barcodes and take E-Signatures from the client.

Barcode Scanning:

Uploading Attachments:


Please let me know your views on this if any of you have some suggestions for this application. I have built this application just for a good practice and learning for Application Development Concepts as a managed package and for Salesforce App-Exchange consideration implementation.

As Salesforce has introduced its own Lightning Field Service Application recently so I dropped this idea to place on AppExchange.

Thanks All for reading, Happy Coding and Be in touch for good work.

Amit Goyal
Skype: amitgoyal09